We are deploying thermal blankets to measure heat flow around the lake floor vents. The instruments measure the temperature gradient across an open cell foam layer that insulates the sediments under the blanket from the overlying water column. We left them on the lake floor for about 24 hours and then moved them to a new location each day. Photos by Rob Sohn, WHOI. Work was completed under an authorized Yellowstone Research Permit.

The heat flow team is led by Rob Harris, who will be on-site in August. The team leader in his stead is Oregon State graduate student Anson Antriasian who will work up the data for his Master’s thesis. Did we mention that the blankets are lined with lead weights? Work was completed under an authorized Yellowstone Research Permit.
The heat flow team is rounded out by Ben Phrampus, a post-doctoral researcher working with Rob Harris at Oregon State. Work was completed under an authorized Yellowstone Research Permit.
A thermal blanket on the deck before deployment. Work was completed under an authorized Yellowstone Research Permit.
The blankets are deployed by lowering them off a spool on the swim platform at the aft end of the boat. Work was completed under an authorized Yellowstone Research Permit.
When the blankets are moved from one site to the next they are raised off the lake floor by hand. Why are these men smiling? Work was completed under an authorized Yellowstone Research Permit.